Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why is my ex trying to make me jealous?

well were not exes, but we dated for 3 monthes & de had feelings for each other. HE calles things off, & i was heartbroken. 24+ hours ago i decided to temporarily cease contact so i could ease my depression & sadness over the sitution. well he gave me his childhood teddybear that had alot of symbolic value., & he wants me to keep it still? He also makes flirty stats & talks abiut how he's "waiting for someones call". hes trying to make me jealous (he knows what bothers me), but HE called things offf? is this cause i'm playing things cool & not freaking out? I dont get itttt. Explain?

Could I make the carbon footprint of my double-wide smaller if I replace all the light bulbs in the....?

basement with energy savers, also would the water keep them from burning the plastic bottom of my pool?

Mechanical Engineering or CAD Engineering?

I'm currently studying on a Preliminery year of Engineering at university, and I get a guaranteed place on an Engineering Degree course after. I originally wanted to do Mechanical and nothing else, but I've been looking into CAD Engineering recently, and it seems quite appealing to me. Anybody been in my situation, or work in either of the areas that could give me some pointers?

Doomed to Hell?

Can Christians explain to me why someone who lived an outstanding life but didn't adhere to Christianity is destined for hell? For example, Gandhi was not Christian, but he advocated peace and truth and was a great figure with morals; he was a catalyst for changes that helped millions and inspired others to resist tyranny. But since he wasn't Christian, he won't go to heaven. How does this make any sense?

Generic battery for DSLR?

The warranty probably doesn't cover the damage it may cause to your camera; so you'll get a free replacement for the battery, but your camera circuits are fried dead forever.

Is this writing any good?

This writing is very good. You have impressed me. I love how you described the characters and the plot line is truly enjoyable. I would love to hear more. Keep writing. =)

WCW what channel is it on ?

what channel is wcw on ? I have been looking for it for the last 2 week and can not find it on tv. I had a tv a few years ago when it was on and then went a few years with out a tv and now i cant find it on anymore ? where can i find the wcw matches and late night parties ? whoo hoo

Girls, please help my low self esteem and honestley tell me if I'm attractive or not.?

i think you're hot! especially your eyes ;) but maybe it's your personality and how you are with other people. I wouldn't know about that though

What can i do to help my peppered corys a few of them have damaged or completely lost their barbels?

my substrate is pebbles which i thought would be fine since they were kept in all my LFS in a tank with the same substrate. i have had them for a month and they still just dig all day and night

Is the "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete" in English version + the game demo of FF13?

The U.S. release is June 2nd. The movie will be available in both english and japanese language, just like the original release. We will not be getting the FFXIII demo, though, so if that's the only reason you're buying it, you'd be better off importing the Japanese version.

Is a business minor worth it for a science major?

Maybe a major in finance, economics or marketing would be better. But, if it would be one year more, then I doubt it would be worth it.

If OJ Simpson's post football life had not been such a self inflicted disaster?

I'm all in favor of him being excluded in conversations about the greats of the past, but do most people do it because he is such an epic failure of a human being after football, or was he just not that good? Tried doing some research but any research about OJ typically yields news stories of his most recent criminal transgressions. I'm too young to know from watching him if he was a really good RB. I would like opinions, and for the record, I think OJ is a shameful person so I'm not at all trying to defend him, just pondering .

Microsoft development question?

A companys lets say like adobe have to pay microsoft for them to put their program on wiindows platform like when i make a program that runs of windows do microsoft charge for me to sell my program since it runs on their platform

What do you think of Lady Gaga?

Personally, I think Lady Gaga is a great inspiration to everyone. She's not afraid to speak out and sing songs with deeper meanings. Lady Gaga has a crazy fashion sense - at least she's orginal. Compared to the plastic society which we live in, she's fab. I know some people disagree. Please! I want to hear your opinions!

How can I improve my confidence?

Why don't you try going to a gay support/social group? Many colleges have them. When I started going to one it helped me feel a bit more comfortable. When you think of yourself as being gay, try thinking about it the same way you think about your other defining features. For example, the colour of your hair. That's nothing to be ashamed of, is it? It's what you were born with (just like you being gay), and that's just the way it is, so there's no sense being ashamed of it. That's what helped me when it came to accepting my uality.

I have an inbuilt webcam on my Advent laptop and I can't turn it on can someone help me out here?

How do I turn it on to use it? Do I have to download a driver or something, where can I find one can someone send me a link please help!?

EWWW! Help me?????????????

You are treating it right . Make sure you keep it covered with a bandaid . And don't get it wet . It'll heal in about a week .

How to go back to tristram in diablo 1?

k.... i found diablo 1 in my basement ind started playing it. i got to level 12 of the labyrinth and my character is a level 17 warrior. i accidentally saved when my warrior is about to die. Soo... whenever i load the game i die as soon as it starts. can anyone help me to get back to home town cause i worked really hard for this!!

Question about renting a one bdrm apt for the first time?

Do not move into a apartment complex with a tons of registered offenders. Find another apartment to rent from a private landlord who tend to not do a credit check. They just want to know that the rent will be paid on time each and every month. Best Wishes.

Think about it: what do you really hate. MCR or all that it REPRESENTS?

I have come to terms with the fact that I really dont hate the band as much as the EMO followers....

How widespread is polyandry among different animal taxa?

for example; what is the percentage of bird, reptile, insect (and others) species that are polyandrous?

Does Obama & the Democrat party really care about the collective "little guy?"?

Or do they care more about taking power by exploiting the "little guy" causes? I think that those who are pionate about the party are more concerned with how much the rich make and how they can take that away. Just my opinion.

Is it insulting to Christianity to say "Creationism is not science?"?

I don't think it should be insulting, because religion is different than science and religion shouldn't require science to back it up. The people in my cl, however, were insulted by the statement that "creationism is not science." (p.s. I go to a private christian university)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Might a prospective employer hold my "packet change" jobs against me???

You are actually already doing the right thing. You do not have to disclose those "unrelated" job experiences on your resume, but you should definitely include them on an application form. If and when you are asked to explain the discrepancy, explain that those other "unrelated" jobs were to help you pay off your debts and other luxuries and that they have never interfered with your primary source of employment. Most employers understand. If they don't understand, it is clearly not going to be a cohesive work environment for you. I have a few clients that are currently in the process of changing careers and they too have second jobs, but it has not hindered their chances for being hired.

Why do I feel this way? Am I the only one?

I get this... weird feeling sometimes. It feels like I'm disconnected from my body, and I feel like my brain isn't attached in the back of my head. While this happens, I feel really worried about little things, or even nothing at all to my knowledge. I get a headache and my heart races. I also tend to think about more violent things like gory thoughts and sometimes I self mutilate. Nothing big, just like pinching excessively and mild cutting, to the point where I'm barely drawing blood at all. Am I crazy, or am I not the only one?

Muslims, I am taking a university course called ''Islamic history till the Fall of Baghdad''?

I'm so excited! do you know when exactly was the fall of baghdad. I mean , was it during the life of Prophet Mohammed or if not then which Khalifa ?

Is a roxy stronger than a percoset?

a roxy is just a percocet without asprin in it..it all depends on the milligrams, but typically, yes, it is stronger

What jobs are available for some one with a BS in Astronautical Engineering in the United States Air Force?

I'm a high school student involved Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp. I plan on going to college next year, I was offered a scholarship for Capitol College. They have no senior Air Force R.O.T.C. but, they offer a bachelor of science in astronautical engineeing (spacecraft engineering). I would also be able to intern at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. If I got the degree what kinds of officer or enlisted jobs may be available? (I plan to apply for Officer Training School.)

Yearbook ideas please?! :)?

So what do you need? Some help in presenting the mascot? Layout ideas? An overall theme for the book?

Who was the soul reaper sent for rukia in season 1 of bleach?

well im just wondering if he has a name because he was sent for rukia in season 1 but has never reappeared in any other season who is this guy exactly does any 1 know his first appearance is in episode 7 season 1 and his last appearance is episode 9 season 1

Righties..do you believe that Saddam was behind the Oklahoma bombing?

the person behind that bombing was a "righty".... ironic isn't it, considering all that has been said about Ayers.

Relationship Advice Anyone?

I barely have any girl friends. The only ones that I do have don't really have an opinion on this because they don't date frequently or at all, or just haven't been in a committed relationship. My boyfriend, S, and I have been together for 4 months and 8 days today. That's a big deal to me, considering I'm in Grade 10 and he's my first real boyfriend. Me and S were doing great. So great in fact that I lost my virginity to him 20 days into the relationship. But I had no regrets about it. Recently we've been fighting. A lot. We used to "bicker like an old married couple", all our friends would say. But we'd make up right away. A couple weeks ago he taught me how to throw a punch without hurting myself. He let me practice on his hands for a half hour or so. This was on a weekend that we went to my cabin with my mom. Tuesday after that weekend we went to school. At recess I was talking to my friends B, M, and J. We were all having a laugh. The guys are hilarious. S came over and we were best kind. Getting along, talking, laughing. I asked him to put his hand up so I could show B, M and J my failure of a punch. He did and I threw a punch at his hand. It lamely hit his hand. We all laughed at how weak I am. Then I started a conversation with just S, still next to the guys. Because of the conversation we were having, I started to playfully hit him. (Like I normally do. I used to get kind of out of control and hit him a little hard, then I'd stop, realizing what I was doing. But I completely stopped that before this day) On the arm, the chest, the stomach. With even less strength that I would put into my real punch. When I hit him lightly on the stomach he completely lost it. (He has anger issues, before he moved here he put a couple people in the hospital.. one of which was a girl in his gym cl). He double-punched me (used two hands) with a lot of force in the shoulders. My shoulders are very tiny, and very bony. (Besides, he's 6'1", 200 lbs and I'm 5' 3 3/4" and 112 lbs). I stumbled backwards and shrieked the most high-pitched, girly, bone-chilling, scary movie scream I have ever screamed. ("OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAA… Of course everyone who didn't notice ( J and everyone else but B, M and a few people who were right next to us didn't notice that he had hit me. ) I slapped him straight across the face with all of my strength ( Not very much.. but I tried. ) Everyone around us tried to cheer me up by joking about it ( But it just made it seem like no one cared about what had just happened ). I kept a stern face and crossed arms. I stared at the trophy case next to us. S put his arm behind my back, trying to comfort me, I didn't move but I had a very stiff, uncomfortable posture. When the bell rung for cl to start, he held on to the back of my shoulders, facing me and tried to kiss me. I ,obviously, tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me. He tried to pull me in closer. I didn't want to be near him so I pinched his shoulder. He held me more firmly and kind of shook me to get my attention and said "A, you need to stop hitting me." In a soft, strong tone. I felt like everything was my fault. My next cl I went to the bathroom bawling. My friend K came in and I explained how much of a horrible girlfriend I am. And she helped me feel a bit better. When I got out of the bathroom, S was waiting for me outside, ( I had texted him letting him know that I was upset and he took that as a cue to come find me. ) he looked at me with sad eyes. I looked at him with my red, blotchy, tear-stained face and said "I'm gonna go back to cl.." When I walked into the clroom (it was right next to where we were standing) I jumped at an ear-deafening "BANG" I knew exactly what happened. He punched a locker. (the locker is bent in REALLY badly now) Anyways.. we made up, I don't know why or how but we did. But now we fight almost every day over stupid things. We don't bicker, we actually fight. Now, every time we fight I think about how he hit me that one time and wonder if he'll do it again, if I should break up with him. He says he's really sorry, he'll never do it again, he feels like ****, he completely regrets doing it. He said he felt just like his real dad (he was abusive towards S's mom, but is a better man today) and that he wasn't thinking when he did it. He bawled when I finally explained my feelings to him about the situation a week after it happened. He said he'd understand if I left him, but he wouldn't be able to live, he'd probably feel like killing himself. He apologized. But the fact that after it happened we fight more then ever and disagree on just about everything, makes me wonder if we should still be together. I love him with all of my heart, but I used to always say "If a guy ever hits me, I'm gone, right then and there" But after it actually happened I realize it's not as easy as it seems. My questions are: Would you leave him or try and stay with him? (He hasn't touched me in a harmfu

I'm not Irish or anything, but I did write a couple of Coach d'Bower pieces. Is this one good?

a href="http://vocaroo.com/?media=vu6BYctOICd75fyMz" rel="nofollow"http://vocaroo.com/?media=vu6BYctOICd75f…/a

Ladies do you have any platonic male friends?

I used to have a lot of platonic male friends, but things have changed a little since a controlling relationship. I am trying to get back into the groove of things again..because it's okay to have platonic male friends. It's healthy and good for people to have a mix of friends both male and female.

Please, can anyone put my mind at rest about why my husband watched his ex mistress as she walked to the metro?

I feel bad for you and I haven't read anything before.From reading the comments below you are writing about a continuing situation. Why are you putting your life on hold for him? Why are you with this stalker? Yes that is who you are married to.You need to run as fast as possible from this man.And run into a divorce court. He doesn't care for you.You need to stand tall,and be strong. He is obsessed with her.All that dedication to this tramp from him should be to you and noone else.He stared at her because he in love with her.Hes not the only stalker here! You came down to his level and you are turning into him.Which are all negatives.You need order in your life.Why is your self-esteem so low and feel you deserve this life? You love the Drama.You deserve someone who is in love with you and only you.When he takes you to bed its not you hes with,its her.Now do you really want to live a life of questioning everything he does? And stop making excuses for him.The writing is on the wall ! Its over for you both.He loves her and if she were to come back to him he toss you out so fast.Get out before we read the headlines about you.Put your energy into work or school and show him that you can be better off without him.Its in black and white for you to see Now open your eyes.

I hate my life. I just don't think I can take much more?

Im going through the same thing as you ): I defo need friends who understand me and my interests, Ive been searching on Facebook, Twitter, then I thought "Oh why not try MySpace?" I know its a pretty old site, but lots of people still use it and I found some friends who I can talk to about that kinda stuff, your not worthless, just find better friends who accept you, try MySpace, its your best bet, I found out theres loads of people who like the same stuff as me in my area, and I feel alot better now. I hope you find good friends, don't worry, it'll get better x

If u wear UGGS do u feel sorry 4 the sheep?

Fashion over sheep. Who cares? You should buy them so there aren't as many sheep. I but a lot of rabbit and I am helping the world because there are to many rabbits in the world. You aren't helping them!

A kicker and only a kicker?

That is a toughy, I like all three. Hanson or Carpenter look like they are just starting to really pickup stride. I would go Hanson. Just my .02.

Need help with physics!?

Gravitation force F = G*M1*M2/R^2, so if you know R from the diameter, you know M1 and F and G (from a reference book, or working backwards from Earth), you can find M2

2008 Presidential Election....Republican representative?

Okay I have seen several names in the news for Republicans that would like to run in 2008.....John McCain.....former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson....and former NY mayor Rudy Giuliani. Who would you like to see run and why?

You've been through teen love and heartache. can someone just give me some advice?

ok so this guy and i have been playing with each others emotions for years now. he likes me and i like him but we wont make a move with each other. dont ask why. but he still talks to other girls and they hug him and etc. now dont get me wrong i talk to guys but when he talks to girls and i see it, it hurts so bad. so why does it hurt? we dont go together.and im pretty sure when he sees me with other boys it doesnt hurt him because sometmes i watch him and when he sees me with another boy he keeps going like he doesnt care. so how can i stop feeling like crap when ever i see him wth other girls? i mean its obvious he doesnt like me cause he hasnt made a move so anyways how can i stop the pain??

Is it safe to thaw raw,packaged meat out by sticking it into some warm water?

I am just curious as to know why our why not this would be a safe and effetive way of defrosting raw meat.

How to get hair like Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You?

I have hair that is more curly than his but i look good with that stye and i need a simple way to get it, preferably products to loosen curls, or what to ask my barber to do to cut it

Should i keep this or bin?

You should never throw away the stuff you write, even if it makes you cringe! You might pick it up again in a few months time and think "Christ, I've come a long way since then" or "Wow, some of this stuff deserves work" and then go back to it. I'm sure there's never been a writer in history that hasn't hated a lot of their own work, it can be a positive thing, helps you improve.

What is this book?!?!?

i read it like 5 years ago its like a little four year old book its called harold and the magic purple crayon or something and i dont know who its by please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can I take my laptop and camerma in Jansport backpack and still have a carryon???Please please read it?

You should be able to do this, but the best way to check is to phone your travel agent or check the information on the airline's web page - which you can find yourself.

Should the United States government require citizens and private industry to further "green up" or else?

The USA is already the greenest nation on earth. Do you know that the air coming into California from the Pacific is why the state can never meet the EPA clean air standards. The air leaving the US for Europe is cleaner than that leaving Europe for Asia. So the US is already walking the walk and per capita is the lowest polluting nation on the face oft the earth. It should be when is the rest of the world going to catch up. If we could replace every coal fired power plant with nuclear plants we would be below even the strictest air quality standards. You can thank your local environmentalist green freaks and their energy company funded pogrom against nuclear power for the small amount of pollution we still have.

If You Suddenly Became Paralyzed...?

The vowes say love the person through sickness and health. So yes, I would expect them to stay because I would. It would not be ethical to leave just becasue someone is injured or sick. I think a person who did that would not only be selfish but also I would think they are a coward.

PLEASE HELP!!! Does he secretly like me back or not?

There is a guy in one of my cles ( that i really like) that sits nearby and i catch him turning around to look at me alot, especially when the teacher comes over explaining something to me and i catch him looking at me so i look up but he looks away. Also, when i speak to our mutual friend he allways acts as though he is joining in, but will never ever look me directly in the eye or say anything to me. But i've said hi in the corridors a few times and he's smiled back and mumbled hi, but it seems he's been quite flustered in the face when he's done this. Once when i said i was going to try and have a proper conversation but we were just looking at eachother, and my mind went blank :S I'm also aware he knows i like him, or one of my group of friends like him because when we've seen him in college he must of heard my friends shouting his name and going oooo! so he tries running away - im worried he thinks we're stalkers and he's just really afraid of me but when we've said hi there seems to be a "spark" but i dont know because this could just my head!

What's your favorite Bon Jovi song ?

Personally My top 3 are 1.Always 2.Bed of Roses 3.Thank you for loving me ! I'd like to hear your top 3 if you like Bon Jovi ! :)

Need help finding song from Twilight movie? searched high and low...?

The song is still "Spotlight" by Mutemath. The part at the lake starts at 2:16 in this video: a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A4RLfv_gVQ" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A4RLfv_g…/a

Actions do speak louder than words.?

You want it, you got it. Think about it. She showed her *** with you. The new guy will eventually see it, too. She's already been bitten and just doesn't know it yet. Karma has a lot of manifestations, but this is the most simple. And the other guy will be paying his karma debt in spades, too.

Does the madden 09 strategy guide help?

iv been playin madden since 01(except for 05 wen i played nfl 2k5) and i no all about football. im an average madden gamer hu isnt the best but im not the worst. does it really help for experienced gamers hu just want to get better or doea it only help newcomers to the game.

Date-able guy? Would you date me?

I am married so I wouldn't date you, but I have seen guys who look like you dating women, so yes. Every guy/girl is dateable, you just have to find the right person.

Why would the Pentagon release a study concluding there was no link between Saddam Hussein and al Qaida?

Because it's more damaging to them not to. It also takes attention away from ever more in depth truths that they are hiding. take the blame for stealing a lollie to make them not see I really stole a car.

Can I get into The Ohio State University with a 3.1 HS GPA and higher than a 25 ACT score?

most likely. im in the same boat as you. i have about a 3.4 GPA and i have a 25 on my ACT and plan on doing much better on the SAT. I will also be a freshman in the 2010 cl and am planning on applying to ohio state university. i was told by my college counselor that a 25 on the ACT is more than high enough to get into there. Ha it's a big school maybe I'll see you there. btw i was reading a book where they rate the hotness of guys and girls and they got an A in both. and they have a party every night :D

Glen Coffee or Anthony Gonzalez? Off of waivers?

Anthony Gonzalez. He'll be a big earner and big target for Manning when he returns in Week 7. Granted, Coffee will taking a lot more reps with Gore out, but he'll only be gone for three weeks. So it comes down to if you want Coffee for the first half, or Gonzalez for the second half of the season.

Finding the pressure at the bottom of a manometer?

i dont see why you would need to add atmospheric pressure to the total unless the pressure is different on one side. because air pressure on one side is balanced with the same pressure on the other side. that wont make the pressure at the bottom any different

I asked an earlier question about people blindly protecting benoit.?

its sad and disgusting at the same time how someone can take their life and then the lives of their loved one...unbelievable

I hear from a reliable source a long time ago, that restaurants use something in their lettuce salads.?

Do restaurants use something in their lettuce salads or salad bars to keep their salads from wilting and looking fresh longer?

Is it normal for 7th graders to be so immature?

like i noticed 7th graders laugh at the words... , buts, white stuff, and they laugh at farting and stuff

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Changing a gas fire for electric?

My elderly dad has one of those open flame gas fires that ignites from the bottom. He is finding it difficult to turn it off because he's just had a knee op. Anyway, I thought I would get him a new one that you can ignite from the top but the fire company have said that they can't fit one unless they rip out the old fire and the surrounding fireplace (apparently it's all one) and he doesn't want the upheaval. So, I was thinking of getting him an electric fire to stand in front of the gas fire but I'm not sure if they are cost effective and give out enough heat. It's really dangerous when I see him trying to turn the gas fire off as his head is hovering over the open flames. Does anyone have any ideas for a good, efficient electric fire? Thanks!

Who shuould the WArriors draft in 09'?

they need a pg, but they have ellis (who they dont want). its really down to 2 players, curry and jennings. With curry u get a player who is one of the best shooters in the draft. he as abilities to create shots. he as deep range and can stretch the floor for other players. he is thin and needs to bring his above average pg skills to STAR quality. he is also good at ping the ball over the defense to the running fast breaker on the other end of the floor, which will fit don nelsons style of play. on defense he will have trouble with stronger, faster and bigger guards. now with jennings you get a player who has GREAT speed and GREAT athleticism... he is able to find seems in the defense and use his speed to weave into them like derrick rose or rajon rondo. then he is able to use his athleticism to fly up and throw now a dunk or p it out to an open man. He can also keep defenders and coaches "pissed off" on how well he stretches the floor with his speed. he also has a nice 3 pt jumper. defensively, he causes ruckus. with his speed and long arms he is able to steal with ease. he reminds me of an allen iverson with more athleticism. since he went to italy, i think it will take sometimes before he gets back to the nba game. he didn't do well in the european league, he also has an attitude he has a small frame though...jonny flynn is a great player who is able to get into the lane and use his athleticism to get space to put up a quality shot. he game WILL translate into the nba. With evans, i dont think he will even be available at 7 because of his skill. he is the best player in the list that u have provided. with demar derozan, u get another vince carter. IN MY OPINION I THINK THE WARRIORS SHOULD DRAFT BRANDON JENNINGS.

Items ociated with evolution ?

Items such as carbon dating, fossils, charles darwin, theory of evolution, dinosaurs, adam & eve, bible, christianity vs. science, genetics, lineage, heritage, biology, natural selection, nature vs, nurture, adaptations, species, diversity, change, galapagos islands....etc

How do you write a Sonnet?

Can someone please help me? i need it explained pretty basically because I'm not good at writing poems at all.

I'm a virgin but my boyfriend is not.?

My boyfriend and I started dating a while ago and it's getting to the point where it looks like we might start having soon. I love him, and he often tells me that he loves me and that he's never met anyone like me before, but I have my worries. The thing is, the one big difference between us is that he has dated a lot of guys and has lost his virginity already. I think he's only slept with one person, so he's not promiscuous, but for me he is my very first boyfriend. I never dated anyone before him and so obviously I've never had before. I don't feel intimidated by his experience vs. my inexperience, but I worry that I'm not special to him. For me, having with him would be a big thing, and he already means a lot to me. I guess I worry that whilst I attach importance and value to having with him, he will just see me as another guy on his long list of partners. I don't know what to do. Are my worries justified?

- what do you do when ur really bored?

- I watch movies, sleep, lol and like do a crossword puzzle or something but then after a while it makes my me being bored even worse....haha :)* I hate being bored!!

Why is the Christian perception of atheists that of an immoral, careless being?

I am atheist and I believe that I am a very moral person. I think the 2 things have no connection, however your right Christians believe that they co inside. I think that no matter what religion you are you should always respect other peoples opinions. that doesn't mean you have to agree. I think people who are very religious are easily persuaded into believing what they are told. For some reason they need to feel connected to something. I wouldn't take it personal these things are things they were taught and they are too naive and desperate to conform to question it. The only thing i cant understand is intelligent people who buy in with no hesitation

How do i do spaces in myspace between my sentences eg in about me section?

when you want the sentence to break up you type
between it. it also works if you want a space type

. the bigger the space the more

Using a second property as a pension?

They have a point. People who solely invest in pensions can have problems at retirement. It is about not putting all your eggs in one basket (investing all your money in one sector) A modern pension can invest in a multitude of investment funds including property. That said the return on property in recent years has meant that everyone is clambering to buy but history has shown that this will not last for ever. If just as you reach retirement property prices collapse this could delay your retirement. Historically the two beast areas to invest over the long term have been property and the stock market. It makes good economic sense to try to use both of these sectors when planning retirement.

Ubtuntu laptop display settings?

I need to fix the display settings on my Advent 5421 laptop with Ubuntu 9.04, I dont know how or where to get the correct drivers

How can you find out if a phrase is a registered trademark?

Trademarks are registered with the USPTO. You can check registered trademarks to see whether your phrase has already been taken (a href="http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=searchss&state=4007:gkkfme.1.1)." rel="nofollow"http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=se…/a That being said, you probably wont know for sure if you can use it as a trademark until you file an application with the PTO.

Can Our Government Spend Its Way Into Prosperity?

more smoke and mirrors from the people that are bringing you change nobody wants ! yes it will bring lots of prosperity ,however,it will be for the elites running the show not for the mes that are going to be d with high taxes.no more gifts to stimulate the "elites" a href="http://912project.com" rel="nofollow"http://912project.com/a

Can anyone help me loose weight and get 6pack or abs and does special k work?

frist thing you have to start with is you diet, then you excercise, if you want help check www.greatnutritionnz.com. we have a programe for gain weight . turn fat into musle or email me edhansman@slingshot.co.nz

WHY everybody loves China But hates USA?

China is one of the most loved countries in this planet despite being a communist dictatorship and USA is the worlds most hated country...why???

Dark under eye circles.. ew?

Theyre hereditary. My acne JUST cleared up, and heres the eye circles. I did attract guys before I got them, but now they make me look tired all the time. HALP.

Is the River Piddle the best place to fish in Dorset?

Ethel really doesnt sound the type to be showering with any old Angler! Next time you may be safer going to the shops and maybe a spot of tiffin.

How can I interview someone who has received a judicial caning in Malaysia or Singapore?

I want to interview someone who has given judicial punishment or someone who has marks on their *** from the cane.

I need help for English. I'm not too creative, and i need creativity?

I have a final Creative ignment for English 12, but me being a non creative person, i have very little materials to do this projects. The novels read this year was Huck Finn, Catcher in the rye, Macbeth, Oedipus Rex, and Dracula.. need help, i'm good at art but thats about it so if any ideas around that is good :).. please help..

In the movie, The Santa Claus where can i get one of those old-fashioned mugs?

In the movie, The Santa Claus with Tim Allen starring, there's a moment where the elf Julie gives Hot chocolate to Santa in teh North Pole. Is there anywhere that sells those mugs anymore?

WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?? how can i prove this b*tch is lieng?????????

Well if he doesnt believe either one of you then he is not worth your time. Obviously he doesnt trust you and believes the ***** and her bf. Just shows you where you stand and kick his @$$ to the curb. You deserve better.

World History question...Industrial Revolution?

Hi, i need help with World History 1. im told to write 5 places with high concentration of industry and i listed France, the uk, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland. I need to write what geographic factors promoted industries in these areas. Please help. PS This is regarding the second industrial revolution.

What do you think about these trades?

Houston did the best job today. They got lots of talent coming in and gave away people that were rarely used. (Bonzi has been doing good, but only because of others injuries) Cleveland did a great job too, but gave up a lil to much for what they got. Which is more of a hope that these guys will come in and mesh well with the rest of the team. I don't know if LBJ approved this deal, but I hope so for Cle's sake. NO got some depths which is a great plus for their depleted team. BJ was good but James still has more left in his tank. Plus, Bonzi really is a great teammate and will do what's best for Bryon down there. Denver got Green, I haven't seen him play since Florida but a good guard will help their injury prone depth chart. Primoz, what's this his 8th trade this season? (lol) Dixon is a good pick up for Det but his best days were in Maryland.

Help please need to be toned!! ?

pushups r great 4 the arms. for the thighs i suggest squats and running, which will also help ur and lose stomach fat. do some situps for ur abs 2 also help ur stomach

What is a good simile for....?

We're not off to a very good start. "smells.... all around me" is incongruous. Mist, yes. Smells, no. Good similes depend upon the ability to verbalize a clear image in the first place, and from that image to mentally scroll through the possible comparisons. I suggest that if the purpose of this exercise is to produce a simile, that you create a scenario which does lead to a clear image for you. If the purpose is story-telling, then avoid the simile and say something like, "The smell of moisture in the air from the cloudburst the night before was overwhelming. I smelled not air but earth, as though I were a newly-buried corpse."

Mommy, Why is Bush destroying every single institution in America?

Because he is an evil man who has allowed the corporations to use him as a front man. Because he was a stupid boy who never did his Civics homework, so he never learned the good things about our system, as it once was. So do your homework, and you won't grow up to be like him.

Pls help find name of movie!! Slasher...sounds coming from the tv making people crazy. Sound waves. Sick & gor?

It was a very sick & gory movie. Had a blonde haired actress....and I think it started with a S one word. Came out in 2008!!!! Please help that movie was so cool & I can't think of it whatsoever.

Why are people glorifying Michael Jackson?

i have no idea. I suppose a child molester with a major drug habit and no nose is a role model these days.

Why is it that Newcastle cant even beat Derby?

It really make fans of Newcastle frustrated and sad. We cannot even beat a team like Derby which has not won a match away from home? It really makes me wonder what is happening to the players and manager Sam in Newcastle are really doing. For two games, they are doing wonders and when you expect them to win at home to a bottom team (Derby), they fumble again and again. Making me really sick and wonder why I am so stupit to support them in the begining? When I start to support them in 1995, with Alan Shearer and Les Ferdinand and Asprilla, they were really amazing and good. But look at them for the past five years are really disgusting. But a true fan will continue to support their team even when they are down. Lets hope they dont dissapoint again when playing against Wigan.

FREE CESC: Is it true that Cesc Fabregas will force through a move in the summer because........?

Fabbi sells shirts Thiago does not.lol I think he does not need to force the move as its already been agreed.lol

Thank you for reading this long entry... but please tell me: what I did I do wrong?

Well I see this two ways. On the optimistic side, he's a really shy guy and really messed up trying to play hard to get by really showing you he liked you and still trying to do the whole cliche' 'act as if you don't care' thing. It's a common mistake amongst us male folk :-) On a more pessimistic note he possibly could have gotten a girlfriend after thinking that you weren't interested, and then when you said that you were he felt really bad but didn't know how to tell you, though I'm more inclined to say he just really screwed up his punchline. Good luck, and he really does sound like a sweet guy, not many will look at a girl with respect instead of that creepy pre- glare that is all too common.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I want a boyfriend... But I don't want a boyfriend? Huhh?

well maybe you just aint ready for a relationship maybe the idea in your mind sounds enticing but in reality you dont want it cuz ur not ready, dont force your self to get into something concentrate on school before u get a boy friend, cuz trust me school will only get three times as hard if u do have a boy friend

Who should i start in the later game?

fargas is getting more carries now since mcfadden is down, start him. raiders will ball all over the cheifs.

1978 Impala Brake Light On?

I think it is off your " brake equalizer switch". It is located below the master cylinder, follow the lines from the "master" and you should find it, about 5 lines connected. maybe 6.

Who are you rooting for this weekend?

I can't wait until the Celtics play the Packers this weekend. I like Brett Favre, but he is already 32 years old and should retire. But Brett Farve has Reggie Bush on his team so I think they will win

If premarital s*x is a sin according to Catholicism, then a person that never marries must stay a v*rgin???

Does the Catholic Church really enforce this? To go thru one's whole life never experiencing s*x if they remain single? Or is there an exception to this like a "death wish" clause?

A perfect seem!!!?

Don`t you think Gwen Stefani`s Now that you got it seems almost perfect with Black Eyed Peas-Don`t lie??

What was the Beethoven/Mozart tune that was in Bugs Bunny?

Some of the Melody's are taken from Richard Wagner's "Tannhauser" opera also. Your best bet is to buy a compilation album of his 'Overtures and Preludes'. Preferably without the lyrics. "The barber of Seville" By Gioachino Rossini I believe is the other melody your thinking of.

Does anyone know where I can get a VERY low friction electric motor?!?

I have to do a science project in which I attach a small pendulum to an electric motor and see how far the pendulum can swing when it is made to fall, and how much energy it is able to produce thru the electric motor when it falls. I need the motor to have very low friction or resistence to the pendulum's motion because I need the pendulum to swing about 95-97% of the way around in a circle when it falls, so I must make the pendulum lose as little energy as possible to friction and stuff. I have used other motors and have been able to get the pendulum to go about 87% of the way around, but I need to get it to go 95-97% of the way around. I can try putting it in a vacuum chamber to eliminate air friction too but really what I need right now is a very low friction electric motor.

A question for MCR fans only?

Does anywone know why Matt Pelisser got out of MCR? Or why he got kicked out? I love bob bryar more, but i was just wondering?

Do you agree a constitutional majority is 51 votes no matter which party is in power?

Pelosi Makes Her Case: A Majority Is 51 Votes By Steven T. Dennis Roll Call Staff Feb. 10, 2010 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is pinning the blame on Republicans for a lack of bipartisanship in Congress and plans to byp them if they continue to oppose efforts to enact near-universal health care. “A constitutional majority is 51 votes,” Pelosi said in an interview Tuesday with Roll Call. “If in fact the Republicans are going to say nothing can be done except by 60 percent, then maybe we all should be elected with 60 percent. It isn’t legitimate in terms of ping legislation.”

What can i do to my brick on my fireplace for a different look?

To go with an entirely different look, maybe some faux rock? There are a lot of varieties of fake stone and installation procedures. Check with the manufacturer for heat resistance before installing too close to the flame. You can do a search online to see all that is offered and with your imagination the possibilities are endless. Good Luck with your new stone fireplace! :-)

Self Employment vs Employee?

I am currently working as self employed and have my own LLC that acts as a p through and allows for tax write offs. My new job has given me the option of going employee. They will take care of handling the taxes but is it worth losing the tax write offs?

My "friend" kissed me. What does this mean?

Yes he is wanting a friend with benifits, you should explain to him that if he is interested in a relationship, great, but if he is interested in others, then I suggest you put a stop to the "making out'.

Sincere question to Mormons: Did God ever sit in a dentist's chair?

You will find that having cavities is connected to our modern diet of sugar and processed foods. I imagine that Jesus did not suffer from tooth decay. Since we know from the Bible that Jesus is the express image of the Father and that He was not 'flawed' and without blemish, I ume the both are and were perfect.

How to put up with someone you tend to find annoying?

I'm kind of friends with this girl from my math cl who's allright, but she has one downside. She has pretty bad ADHD, so at times she can annoy the piss out of me. So, it's spring break, all of my close friends are on vacation, and I figure I'll give this girl (Sammy) a chance. How can I put up with Her if she starts to get annoying, without blowing up in her face? (I'm not a patient person...) thanks!

Suggestions for great seafood restaurant in Martha's Vineyard?

I thought since you're so close to Martha's Vineyard, you may know of a great seafood restaurant. My daughter is celebrating her birthday there and I'd like to make reservations at the best restaurant for tomorrow night.

Bought keychains that were shipped out of Japan three days after the earthquake, could they be affected?

Can't see it being a problem as the Nuclear emergency didn't start right away it got worse day by day.Nevertheless for peace of mind just chuck them,end of problem.

Looking for a picture of Christine Baranski smoking a cigar?

I know it's a random question, but I'm looking a picture I once found (don't remember where I found it) of Christine Baranski smoking a cigar. It was a portrait taken when she hosted SNL. I think the backgroud was green and she was in black and white holding a cigar with the smoke coming up in front of her face. If you can find it, please give me the link!! Thanks!

Whats some typical american food?

Well Lucky Charms ia a breakfast cereal, a corn dog is a hot dog dip in a corn meal batter then deep fried to golden brown,a tootsie roll is a choclate peice of candy almost like taffy but better and to answer your last question it would have to be the All American Hamberger with french fries and a coke, or it could be a New York or Chicago Pizza,but I beleive everybody has an opinion on what they think is there typical American food. I guess its just where you live in America.

Why is No One Talking About Pope Ratzinger Going to Israel?

Doesn't this fulfill some major endtime bible prophecy? Especially with everyone asking if Obama is the antichrist? Which I know he is not, but I will say is part of the Beast Administration (Revelation 13). Somebody please give me a link to some info on the pope. Thanks!

Something Ive never understood ...... people who raise money for charity by climbing Mt Everest?

It is just a way of getting others to fund your fun...............thats if you call slogging up a mountain a good time. Personally I can think of a few other things I would rather do for charity one being you buy the drinks on the pub crawl and Ill give charity any money I collect along the way!

Can you rephrase this sentence?

homes do not 'live', the are situated, or built, erected, located, positioned or found. Other than that, the sentence i s great!

Motion Problem-Can someone answer and explain ASAP. I HAVE NO CLUE ON HOW TO DO IT!!!?

A penger train leaves a train depot 2 hours after a freight train leaves the same depot. The freight train is traveling 20 mph slower than the penger train. Find the rate of each train if the penger train overtakes the freight train in 3 hours.

Does he actually like me?!?!? What am I supposed to do with him if he doesn't ever decide to leave me alone?

Be a brave heart lady n ask him directly what is he upto. If he say i like u n something like that just say him politely. look(whatever his name is) i don't like all these type of things n if u have any self respect u'll nt bother me again or stare at me again. try it n tell me if it worked.

Im thinking of buying a honda ?>/??????/?

is honda prelude a safe car to drive in winter time and snow ... is it a good cat at all plz tell me about this car and if anyone own one and how they like it

I have to ask again im serious?

If i got to the recruiter to DEP in when im at 25% body fat, can he help me loose the weight, some friends who are also joining the navy said that the recruiter helps you loose the weight but i want to be sure before going.

What game is the one i am about to describe?

Ok, so i went to a Demolition Derby today and it reminded me of this videogame i used to play in my younger years. It was a game solely based on demolition-like cars. You could race demolition cars, enter fun games with your demolition car (there was one game where you would go full speed off this ramp, shoot your guy through the front window, and see how high he would go), and, of course, enter a demolition derby with your car (my favorite arena was one that was like a bowl in the middle; you could ramp out of it and land in the stands, but you would be DQ'd). If you know the name of this game, please tell me and also what game console it is on. Thank you!

Did I make the right decision even though thats her grandmother?

you shouldn't feel horrible for protecting your daughter from whatever goes on over there if grandma wants to see your child tell her she is welcome to come visit at your house so you can supervise whats going on.i wouldn't allow my children at her house in that kind of atmosphere......you made the right decision and dont feel guilty over it......

Friday, November 11, 2011

Is there an Instant Messanger like trillian out there?

Iwant to find another one that is like trilian that let's me link names adn each one group uses one im window. Does anyone know any?

Do you believe that actually Mohammed was christian?

Muhammad (pbuh) is a Muslim, he is the seal of Prophets and from him was the Quran revealed. Not the Bible but the Quran. So how can he be Christian?

Why does my stomach sound wierd?!?!?

it sound like I'm super hungry but I'm not...and then it makes other weird sound like growling but lighter and it happenes everyday! sometimes it sounds like i'm farting but i'm not...and it's embarrasing! it happened one day at school while taking a test and everyone laughed at me! what is it? am I sick?

Rate my fantasy football team?

That is a great team. Rodgers is gonna have a great year. MJD will too. all of your players are solid.

Why is Michael Vick going to jail for endangering dogs when Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Ritche endangered HUMANS?

My thing with the dog fight is it's stupid. Why are we worryng about dogs when children are missing? Why are we worrying about dogs when people have cancer, people killing eachother? What the **** are we worying about dogs for. I hate dogs. There is way more important **** out there to worry about

How can i convert the heat of combustion per gram to heat per ga;;pm?

I got that the heat of combustion was 6407.39 cal/g but I don't know how to covert it to heat per gallon? it says "hint use the density of your ethanol" which was 0.896 g?

Turning left, overtaking on the left. Who is at fault?

In Australia, you are NOT permitted to p a car on their left hand side. Even on a 3 lane freeway the person in the middle lane is technically not allowed to p a vehicle in the right hand lane.

Does this friend like me or not?

it seems like she is avoiding you for some reason. Either that or all those excuses are true. maybe you did something that mad her stay away from you, said something, did something.....?

Should i join the Us Army or The Marines?

I am a junior in high School, i have exelent grades, i am also taking atp cles all the time and i am the captain on the high school soccer team. Im pretty good at soccer thats what my friends tell me. I am pretty big and strong, i have literally no fears, i had no fears of deying or doing something wrong. I always liked the Marines and the US army since i was in 8th grade, i always liked shotting guns and rifles that my father has and my other relatives own in their contry(venezuela). I have reserched a lot of information about the USMC and the US Army. I like going in and fight i dont like to stay in a place and wait till its all clear, i want to do the clearing and leading my division to a save place and shoting our enemies at war. WHAT SHOULD I DO? JOIN THE ARMED FORCES OR STAY IN MY LIFESTYLE AND COMPLETE HIGH SCHOOL AND GET A SCHOLLARSHIP TO A GOOD UIVERSITY AND BECOME PRO SOCCER PLAYER. PLZ HELP ME!!

I am trying to find a movie that I watched when I was young, its a alien movie?

Hi, I am trying to find this movie when I saw when I was small and right now I am 16 so it can't be that old, but its about these little martians they come in these little spaceships and its kind of a comedy and they attack the whole world, they get the president, I think they suck their brains idk really on that but it was a awesome movie and it had a couple trying to escape them, one scene I rememeber is that they were by a cave and hiding from them and it wasn't a cartoon it was like real life with critters (aliens) attacking and destroying the earth, plz can anyone give me a list or any thing you guys think it would be and also they have their little outfits.


Slander is where someone is being insulted by someone's rude and vulgar comments about them. There is a slight difference, you can use any language you like in general but if you are referring to a specific person then you need to be able to justify what you say.

Is Obama Using Double-Talk about Hillary Dropping Out?

Yes he is because he is a lying, coward, racist muslim that hates this country and wants to destroy it.

Would it be better to crochet or knit diaper covers?

i want to take up knitting or crochet but i would like to know which would make better diaper covers before i decide.

Is it antiChrist for a woman to have the same 'rights' as a Man?

Ephesians 5:21-33 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not havin, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

our teen?

He's too old for a you will have to find other ways of dealing especially if he was never disciplined. Heaven sakes...I've never heard of a perfect child. Never had a ing ....it's too late - way too late. Most mom's don't sit there and cry when a child is being disciplined either it makes it look like you are disagreeing with your husband...I wish you luck.

Is my tank too full? (Other questions)?

First never be worried on too many questions. The more you ask the more you learn. I would add several more neons and a couple of pygmy cory cats or otocinclus cats and that would be it. The oto cats are nice little dwarf suckermouths that love to eat algae.

How do you feel about Crosby being a Whiner?


Who is going to help Sri Lankan Trapped Tamils in War Zone?

The fact is that, despite being a long-running problem, Tamil issue didn't get much international attention. First, they wanted India to solve this problem, but then Sinhalese protested Indian involvement in their land, India turned against LTTE, & LTTE killed Rajeev Gandhi - thus ending Indian intervention in this problem. Then the Tamils turned towards Norway( who has minimal effect internatinally) & LTTE(a totalitarian organization & declared as terrorist group by UN) to solve the problem. If Tamil ppl & politicians relied less on LTTE(even after UN declared them as terrorists) & tried to gain attention of international community, UN would have take this problem much more seriously.

Husband's negativity effecting our family: how would you handle it?

I'd use this question as a beginning to your note and add some simple changes you've noticed occur over the course of your relationship. Keep your note positive and attach the heart strings. Make sure he realizes that you and your son need and love him but you need all of him and certainly a better composed, more positive attitude. By the sounds of it he needs some psychological help. Hopefully you can impress this upon him. If none of this works maintain a distance...as you realize you may have a ticking time bomb on your hands that could harm many things. Be vigilant but cautious and let him realize that unless he seeks peace there's just no way you can raise your son in a loving, stable home with him.

Girl help again thanks?

i posted this earlier and asked if and when i should tell this girl i have feelings for her. well last nite we were hanging out and watcghing a movie together and occasionally we would get close but we never snuggled and sometimes she wouldf move away, or she had her dog in her lap. well after the movie we were talking and she started talking about her ex-boyfriend ( he went crazy and leaft bruises on her). She started talking about some little thing the two of thm used to do and I was lie " i dont care" and stuff like that. I know Im a jerk but come on. But anyways she was saying how she doesnt know if she can ever have another serious relationship because of the heartbreak. So my question is, is it too late to tell her how I feel and is ths relationship doomed to never happen?

Liability of the Manager of a Nevada LLC, can someone sue to manager?

Since the Nevada LLC does not require one to disclose its members and only require naming one person as the manager, is there any legal liability that the manager is subjected to? If a lawsuit happens and the lawyers cannot determine who the members of the LLC is, could the lawyer go after the manager? or would he/she just go after the LLC as an entity and the ets ociated within that LLC

What can I do about my sister? She's driving me and everyone around her mad.?

My sister, is a very intelligent woman . But due to bad upbringing, her own lack of foresight/motivation, she is in her mid 30s, and she's very un-happy with herself because she never got a career going; but the thing is, instead of just holding her hands up and saying "hey-ho, such is life", she's taking it out on the people around her, telling them that they do not strive enough, or that they do not have enough ambition, or that they don't work hard enough etc etc etc. She has also started spending large amounts of money on her credit card on frivilious things, as if to say "well, if I want it, I can have it, and I'm going to make sure I can, even if it's a charade" basically she's living a lie, and bullying people into making them think that they're failures if they're not happy living a consumeristic, capatalistic way of life. She's making her husband wilt, I'm not talking to her because she's been rude to me, I know that several of her oldest friend's have stopped talking to her. What am I supposed to do? I know that she's taking her frustration out on everyone else, but I don't sympathise anymore. What would you do?

I am so confused on how to read my birth chart?

The more you go through that maze, you get more confused. Birth charts do not determine your life and destiny. Please have faith on your own self and go ahead.

How to ______?

im supposed to make an instructional brochure for my cl with the theme "How to ____". Problem is, i dont know what subject i should choose for this. any suggestions?

Was JBL better at the commentary desk, or in the squared circle?

Well, towards the ending of his career, he wasn't in shape. I loved him more as a commentator, but that's one mans opinion.

The sims castaway?

I ave all higralphic tabelts i made it into the ting were i chisel at the rock n up the volcano cant go tru the door der nor up the steps it says im tired but everything is green sum1 said sumat bout gl i need make wit my bottels but wen i craft der nowt for tat option i ave loads ov stuff in my inventory to craft wit,,, were the posion daisy n red plant ting....wat do i need do plz help tanx

How do you like Obama's appointment of legal advisor to the Department of State?

With the nomination of Harold Hongju Koh, the Dean of Yale Law School, as the Legal Adviser for the State Department, President Barack Obama is putting a world government team in place under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This man openly supports replacing the sovereignity of the U.S. Constitution with International law. What's wrong with this picture?

Did Lil Tsunamis defend the allegation made against her?

She never does. Never will. Just ignore her because if you don't support the Lakers in any way she won't provide with with a legitimate answer. And that's a fact.

Could someone give me an idea on how to write my literary ysis?

I am going into the ninth grade and I am taking Honors English at my high school. For my cl, we have to read 4 books over the summer, one of our own choice, and the others are chosen by our teacher. My free choice book was The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis, and a literary ysis has to be written on it. I have never written a literary ysis in my life, and my teacher refuses to give hardly any instruction besides MLA format. I know this seems selfish, and I will get hate for this, but if anyone could help me with this, it would be wonderful, and greatly appreciated.

Do you get fatter during menopause?

Your metabolism does decrease after menopause so it is more likely to gain weight. Exercising and eating healthy can help avoid weight gain.

What should i wear for a university farewell party.....?

you have to look descent for a university farewell party..so wear things that looks good for u...wear something that suits ur body and skin complexion...remember u need to look stylish not messy..

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dry sensitive legs, bleeds when scratched lightly.?

First, I think you think to make sure that your legs are very well moisturized. You can use something like Vaseline or Eucerin cream as needed for this. I suspect that the hair removal cream may also be irritating your skin. You could try not using it for a period to see if your symptoms get better. Make sure you are eating a healthy well balanced diet to ensure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need for healthy skin. Good luck.

How can I break up with someone after 6 years of being together?

You will GET OVER THIS EVENTUALLY. Time heals everything. Your doing the right thing, dont waste anymore time. Think about how great being in a healthy relationship will be, and think about how wasting another 6 years of your life with a man who is not what you want will be. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO SACRIFICE HAVING A GREAT RELATIONSHIP, just to avoid some pain and tears?

Who is right AND WHT TO DO NOW?

This was absolutely horrific to read. Could you kindly press the keyboard on entitled 'caps lock', so it doesn't look like you're yelling? Also brush up on your grammar please..you're 35 years old. You've been married since 12 years? Really now?

POLL: Edge or Chris Jericho? + WQ?

odd that you picked two canadians. i would have to give the vote to jericho. after his return to w w e . he did give it a lift. when he went on his heel turnaround . perfect. his wrestling skills are the best they ever have been. of course i watched jericho since w c w. so have the advantage of more matches watched. his mic skills are the best in the w w e. both are great. the hardy/punk thing is already stale. this performance has just been used to many times. jericho unmasked mysterio in the w c w. seems that story lines are just turning in to reruns. every possible angle is on its 5th or 6th return. new ideas are needed desperately. wresting is getting killed by m m a. new ideas may bring fans back. all arenas are not the largest in the city any longer. one solution . edge one brand jericho other brand.

How do you find the csc of 4 degrees, 15 min, 27 sec using a calculator?

I really don't know how to do this, and I need to know for my trig cl. I have a T1-83 Plus calc. How can I go about doing this problem?

Muslims: Could you please explain to me the Dome of the Rock?

Asalamnu-aleykum!I'm trying to find the significance. If I remember right, in college I learned that it's where Mohammad (peace be upon him) ascended into heaven. Am i right? I read this article and it didnt seem like it was true. thanks!!!

Real Life Hero.. I have an english oral about my "hero" .. HELP!!?

who would u do for a real life hero .. examples like idk gandhi? but if u can give ideas that are more personal and it doesnt need to be someone famous .. i need to do a 3 min oral so ya... if its someone like my dad or sth i ned to be able to talk about it for 3 minutes thats why its better if its someone famous but i need ideas !!

Angela's Ashes - Essay Introduction?

Start out by setting the scene for the reading audience. Talk about the time and place. Talk about how the family went from living in a slum in New York to moving back to poverty stricken Limerick, Ireland. Frank McCourt used very specific details in describing what Limerick was like. Include smells, tastes, sights, feels... imagine being their as a small child.

NATURALLY CURLY HAiR.!?! plz help mee...(10 pointsx.!]?

there was an episode on what not to wear that the hairdresser man did this lady's hair who head was really curly! What he did, if I remember right, was basically with it being damp, he curled ringlets around his finger to define each curl and put a little bit of product, i believe gel, to let it keep its shape and be bouncy Good luck!

When will "Sammy" Stop?

One of the thing that a male does when he is in codition is to click the wire of the cage with his beak. He won't hurt himself at all.

Do you like these shoes for winter? :)?

They are cute, definatly cute. I don't think they are too preppy, and seriously, how can a shoe be too preppy. You said you hate Uggs, but even though the top looks nothing like Uggs, I think the bottom looks extremly like Uggs. But they are really cute. =]

Is it safe to wrestle with an anaconda?

duct taping the mouth will make no difference, anacondas are not poisonous snakes, they kill by constricting their pray so they cannot breath and subsequently suffocate. if the snake gets a hold of you, there will be no way out. you will die. i highly recommend that you do not enter that cage with the intention of antagonizing the creature, the results will most likely be disastrous and trust me, not for the snake.

I can't get over the fact my bf has had a form non-penetrative before?

if u love someone, u love someone.. who cares what they did before. It doesn't change who a person is. You sound horrible and immature and I'm just a kid. Hope the guy is smart enough to run from you. Living life without any regrets or mistakes sounds like a pretty boring life to me.

Why do Malaysians call Europeans/Americans Mat Salleh?

Malays call Europeans/Americans Mat Salleh, but not Malaysians as a whole. No idea why though. But I heard it started during the British Occupation of Malaya(Malaysia at that time).

Why can't gastroenterologists come up with a test that requires less prep than the colonoscopy? It's backward?

The prep for a colonoscopy is egregious. Why can't doctors come up with a blood test similar to the PSA for colon cancer? There has to be a better way than to have to go through a prep where you literally have a 24 hour waterfall coming out of you right until the very second you finally are given the colonoscopy itself. Even the virtual colonoscopy requires the waterfall prep. Why haven't they been able to perfect the pill camera that you swallow that does the colonoscopy without any prep needed by taking pictures in your large intestine? It's criminal that they've made the 24 hour colon regurgitation the only way to do this procedure. It's a method that's at least 60 years old and has never been refined. It's a disgrace beyond belief and unbelievably degrading.

---Is there a parallel between the peeling N. Korea off China & Syria off Iran ?

UK Miliband, French Kouchner, were working very hard to drive a wedge between Syria and Iran. Who is driving a wedge between N. Korea / India and China

When do you decide it is time to move on and get on with your own life?

Does it have to depend on another person (a relationship)? That person doesn't have the right to dictate what you want to do in your life, right? They only can have some sort of input. Does this input have to depend on how close you are in the relationship. If you are "just friends" you should be able to move on without much chaos and heartache, right?

What do you think of this extract from my story?

So smooth and quick part...interesting! Out of my imagination, this scene potrayed can well fit into a routine real life novels, or evn end up as story of fiction and fantacy. Good work.

Why is Phoenix the kidnapping capitol of America?

a href="http://ktar.com/?nid=6&sid=877515" rel="nofollow"http://ktar.com/?nid=6&sid=877515/a

Why is it that when a question is asked of Christians, turning the perspective, and asking them ?

how they would feel if there was a proposition on the ballots that would make one of their practices or dogmas against the law, based on a non-Abrahamic religion, forcing them to live according to a belief system that wasn't their own, the question continually gets reported and removed? It's a valid question, yet it rarely gets a valid answer. Why is it reported, and why isn't it answered?

How do you rephrase....?

As in choke hold:? English advisors to the King left no stone unturned to tax the poor as well as the rich in the new colonies to support their war in Europe............... I can think of nothing better than she tightened her grip............perhaps simply her hold?

How can I found out what medication I'm taking?

Perhaps you could Google the name of the medication or the main active ingredient from the packaging or directions leaflet.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

To all computer gamers: would you buy this computer for #1200?

i would pay a considerable amount less i bought a new pc quad core 3gb memory, geforce 512mb graohics all that stuff all for 700 pounds

Why is Lady Macbeth's change in "Macbeth" important?

It's for school, something that starts with 'Lady Macbeth's change was important BECAUSE..." please!

What is collective unconscous? archetype? what does it have to do with religious myth?

what is the collective unconscious? definition? archetypes as found in religious myth?? and what do archetypes, etc. have to do with religious myths, symbolism, etc.?


I'm giving you a 7. I like your outfield, you got AVG/power/runs One weakness i may see is steals, and pitching. keep an eye out for some up and coming pitchers, you can often snag these guys early before they go on fire.

Is it bad that I'm having second thoughts abt my prom date?

I asked him out, and he's a senior.. he still hasn't given me the form, but I'm starting regret having asked him! I know it sounds awful, and maybe I sound like a *****, but I'm just not attracted to him. I just asked him out in my desperation, and now I think that I shouldn't have! And now I wish I could have waited and asked this other guy.. what should I do???

So Obama is a communist because he ped a Health Care Bill that a republican came up with (Mitt Romney)?

The health care bill that Obama ped was full of pork and only about 400 pages deal directly with health care. It has burdened Machusetts citizens with taxes, and I neither applaud Romney nor Obama. Mandating a product by the federal government takes away another aspect of freedom and makes the government bigger and it exerts more and more control over its citizens. The US now has 9 of the 10 points of Marxism. When he starts talking about government takeover of farms, then the transition to Communism will be complete and we will be the USSA.

Rate my Fantasy Football team?

i would try to get a better second back than pierre thomas, i would even consider starting smith over him. pretty good team though.

Do bed bug BITES reappear after recovery?

There's absolutely nothing better compared to having a sleep in the calmness of your residence after a very difficult day on the job. All you need to be all set for the very next day in the office can be a fine sleeping. Nevertheless, all this is often damaged when you detect tiny bed bug bites the next morning. Many people today begin experiencing sleeping problems following they've discovered that they have bed bugs in their houses.

Is my teacher allowed to ign this?

She's making us do a project on all the units we did last year (Japan, Renaisance, Aztecs). It honestly has nothing to do with this year's unit of US & Canadian economics. WHY?

Snowboarding sponsorships?

i am 13 am good at snowboarding i can do a 360 and indy on to a rail but what do you think i should specialize in i am the best at big jumps but my favorite is going on rails what is the best way to get noticed what should i specialize in.

Will this gaming setup work?

NO it will NOT WORK. You have chosen a socket 775 motherboard for a socket 1156 processor. I would go to newegg and choose a different SOCKET 1156 Motherboard. As for the Memory, most likely it is compatable with the 1156 socket motherboard. The video card will fit. It is a PCI Express X16. Youre going to need a power supply, probably 550-700 watts. Get a SATA hard drive. Just read up on how to build a computer or go to a local computer store to help build it. And yes, a GTX260 can run basicially any game. I have a 8800GTS and it can play any game on med-high levels.

What is the best way to learn how to play eruption on guitar?

i want to learn Eruption by Van Halen on guitar for the school talent show in the spring. that means i need to learn it fast, within at least 2 weeks. so what is the best and quickest way to learn that song on guitar?

I have a huge problem with my kitty?

i posted this before but im posting it again becuase i need more answers. im going to make this as short as i can but i really hope someone can give me some advise. My kitty is usually thing friendliest thing out but the last 2 weeks she has been skittish and scared of every noise she doesn't really play anymore all shes does is hides and sleeps i didn't think too much of it i just thought she may be getting out of the kitty stage but about 3 days ago i was running to the phone and she ran in front of my feet and we collided it wouldn't have hurt her becuase i didn't really kick her she pretty much just skidded on the floor this had happened a few times and its never really bothered her but this time she started shaking and when i picked her up she sort of played dead like she was really scared of me. Anyway i found out that my old housemate who no longer lives here admitted to hitting her a couple of times he said that the kitty bit him so he smacked her twice over her head and threw a shoe at her and he has also admitted to hitting her with a wooden spoon i was so mad and so upset i was in tears i felt so bad that i didn't know but i honestly didn't think he would do something so horrible so i rushed her to the vet for a check up and the vet said she was physically ok just extremely shaken up and he said to just give her a few days. I have been giving it time and she is still the same she is scared at every noise and she is even terrified of me and it breaks me heart will she ever recover from this and what can i do to help? i can tell shes not the same becuase usually when i pick her up and look at me she has big wide eyes and is contently licking my nose but now when i pick her up and look at her she goes still and her ears go right down and back and her eyes are like little slits it makes me so sad

How do i tell my 15 year old boyfriend i put a hole in the condom?

Ever since i was 10 i wanted a baby and im 13 and lost my virginty to a 15 year old boy 3 weeks ago he used a condom and i told him i was on the pill when i wasn't he left the condom he was going to use in the bathroom and i put holes in it so i would get pregnant, i thort it would be ok, yesterday i took a test and found out i was. I told him this and hes ok with it he said its not like it happend on purpose he thinks im giving it for adoption when im keeping it. I need to tell him i did the i cant live with the quilt how do i tell him tho

6 month old kitten constantly sucks on blankets?

I aquired two male kittens after they were abandoned at my work. This was back in February, they had been dumped in our dumpster inside a box that had been duct taped shut! The vet said at the time that they were approx 3 weeks old, I bottle fed them and weaned them onto regular food, now they are ENORMOUS, fat, happy obnoxious boys! One of them has recently started up with an unsusual habit. He curls up on my couch on top of this fleece blanket, but as he is going to sleep he sucks on it. It is really strange. He does not slurp on any other blanket, and seems to be well adjusted, aside from being the clingiest cat on earth most of the time! Why would a kitty do this? I have never seen it before. It is the oddest thing, he will be sleeping away, and you can hear him slurping on the blanket!

2 and 4/7 times 2 and 1/4 times 4 and 2/3 equals?

I'm not understanding how to do this equation. Can you explain how to solve it? I turned the mixed numbers into improper fractions, did some canceling, then multiplied, and the answer I got was 756/28, then I divided 756 into 28 and got 27? And you help me on how to multiply three fractions?

How can i look healthy ?

try fruit and veg. Whenever your not doing anything, have a piece of fruit in your hand. You'll find that fruit and veg isnt to filling, and doesnt do anything but good.

Did i do the right thing by leaving a biual guy who who prefers men?

Girl you better come to your senses. What should you do? Exactly what you did, leave this man alone before you get something you can't get rid of. Listen, everybody goes through a period of separation anxiety following some kind of break up. Especially women because women like to have that one familiar thang and if she loses that familiar thang it bothers her because unlike men, when a woman gives her body, she also gives her emotions, so when the relationship is over, she still has leftover emotions. But this too shall p. Don't worry, there are plenty of decent heteroual men out here who would gladly be the man you need him to be and give you ALL that you want out of your man. You may be miserable now, but make yourself free and available and one of us will find you and love you the way you want to be loved girl. Keep your eyes open. You did the right thing.


Im going to see my bf tomorrow, and i have really bad razor bumps! Is there anyway i can get rid of them, make them look less noticable? Will Palmer's cocoa er formula work??

Trace the exact location of a bangalore ip address.?

You cannot trace an IP address back to a specific location. The IP address which you looked up traces back to Bangalore, but this does not mean that the person in question would be located there. For example, my IP address will trace back to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, however I am not located in Amsterdam or even close to Amsterdam. Only the country is correct in my case. With a dynamic IP address it would also be hard to trace back to a specific location, as today user one has this IP address, but tomorrow user two can have this IP address. Only the ISP in question can trace back an IP address to a specific location, using their log files to see to whom the IP address belonged at a certain time. An ISP however will only trace back a customer if a local law enforcement agency requests them to do so, based on a court order for example.

Is it safe to drop or trade Carlos Lee?

I would do that trade. Garza is playing so well, and while Greinke isn't playing badly, that fact that he has no team around him has finally caught up to him so he can't win games. Curtis is better than Lee at this point, and while I think Lee will eventually warm up, Granderson will have a bigger immediate impact on your team

Does hong Kong have slander laws.?

I mean an ex employee from the school my wife works at is now calling the parents of students and telling them bad things about the school. The other workers know her for being like this but can the school do something about her calling parents and saying these things. Some of the things if they were true would shut the school down.

Where would photographic evidence taken at crime scene in Northern KY be developed and stored?

Photographs were taken of several skeletal remains of dead horses by a State Trooper on the day of the arrest. The county attorney has publicly denied that there were no dead horse remains found at the property, despite the fact that he has shown them to two people. The owners were charged with 8 counts of cruelty to animals, and county is in the process of doing a plea bargain and allowing them to keep 11 horses still on their property, who are still in a state of neglect, and 4 horses died after the investigation was started. I am afraid that this evidence may be suppressed and may somehow disappear into the 'system'.

Ideas for 5th grade vocabulary parade using the word imagery?

my son's fifth grade cl will be having a vocabulary parade, each child has a word ,imagery is the word he needs to show an example of , he wants to use a sandwich board w/ examples on the front and back, but could use some suggestions or ideas.

Is it illegal to deliberatly undermine a persons reputation in the community in the uk?

if it is illegal how do you go about dealing with it as it is difficult to find out who did what and when and what for?

With Windows Mobile, how do I input calendar and contact info on my desktop so it will transfer @ next sync?

I'm used to Palm Desktop where I can type everything in and have it transfer, but after installing Windows Mobile for my new PDA, I can find no such program to input things. I hope I don't have to put all those addresses and calendar events on the PDA using the stylus and onscreen keyboard.

Just started college, got to know this girl but found out she has a BF?

My best advice is to just remain friends with her. You both are new to college and are making new friends. Keep it platonic. Trust me you'll be meeting plenty of people there that will catch your eye, just keep your options open and remember if its meant to be it will be. You cant force someone to feel the same way you do.

What Workouts Do The Marines Do?


How do i respond to him...?

You have to remember it gets really lonely for those guys, i would respond in a private message, if you guys aren't a couple then most likely he's just talking to other people to not feel lonely, it sounds like he likes you, but military guys can be shady, i dated 2...didn't end well

Which is a better washing machine? EASY or SAMSUNG?

I'm between buying one of 2 of them which are both for 7kg and have exactly the same functions, same price and garantee time; the only difference is the trademark. Which one should I go for? Thanks!

5 letter word that has same vowel sound as whale and the hint is it flies in the sky.?

This question has been asked several times without the correct answer. it is a box tall box box box box. I contacted a teacher who informed me that the first box should be a drop down box and the correct answer is plane. That is is a mistake by the printing company.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Star Stage Nicknames?

Becky Slut, Rita Lust, Rita Red, Jenny Long or busty Barbara. That's all I can think off, but i think their good

Why would Julian ange 2 girls, if he is gay, Conservatives?

Also why are you trust the mainstream media on this and nothing else. I have agut feeling Julian ange is being set up and the Conservative haters are sharpening their drippy fangs.

Can any one find a song about iodine (with lyrics) that a teacher wouldnt find offensive?

The song "Dirty Deeds" by AcDc mentions iodine once in their song. However, seeing as it's only once and the song itself can be offensive to some people, I'm not sure it's applicable.

What word starts with Y thats has to do with Geography?

I'm doing a project for school *note I'm in grade 7* and I need a word that tarts with Y that has to do with grade 7 Geography. I live in Canada if that has something do with it, Thank you sooo much.

Potential Business Start up?

Okay.. So lets say there is a business called Graphic Designs LLC... Could you make a business called Graphic Illustrations LLC?

What's wrong with this sentence (I took it from an SAT test)?

I agree completely with saru, however to say *volunteer IN a job* is an incorrect verbal-prepositional idiom. One volunteers FOR a job, not in one.

Are a person's bodily wastes and excretions considered to be their property?

Like, if you somehow managed to steal a bunch of a person's urine or feces, would you be breaking the law? (uming your method for doing so didn't involve ault or anything else blatantly illegal.)

Do sonnets have to be written in iambic pentameter?

I have to write a sonnet for English & I have no idea how to write a sonnet or even what to write about. I've looked at many of Shakespeare's examples & it hasn't helped much.

How bad is my sinusitis/bronchitis going to get?

Looks like you got yourself a good infection. You're on the right track with that nasal saline rinse. It'll help keep the infection at bay till you can seek some antibiotics to help fight it off. About the thin orange discharge... Sounds like blood with thinned out infectious substance. And the bronchitis, that's going to be a little bit harder to cure. You may want to try using a humidifier at night while you are waiting for your appointment.

Would you ever want to get to know somebody like me?

Well you sound like a nice sweet person. Personally I like intelligent mature girls. You're cute too. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would like to get to know you.

Was the farewell dinner for Rashid Khalidi a high profile event?

I actually agree with Khalidi that if you are being occupied and the force used in a conflict situation is between combatants and not targeting civilians, that that kind of situation is not terrorism. Terrorism in my opinion is violence against civilians for political goals. I know this is not a widespread view in the US, but I believe that both the Israelis and the Palestinians share the blame for what has been going on over there for 60 years. Too often, Israeli and Palestinian leaders have put their own interests in terms of staying in power before the wider interests of their people for peace and mutual respect for their respective coexistence. And before you ask I am not an Arab or Muslim.

I am a soprano looking for a FUNNY duet to sing on a junior recital?

I plan to sing with a baritone, but I am open to doing a trio with another voice part. Any suggestions for an entertaining piece? (Preferably from an opera)

The girl I like is with some other guy what should I do?

I really like this girl and I hate her boyfriend she loves him I hate him cos he is an *** to me shes told me she likes me then I asked her out one day she said no cos she lives really far away well her boyfriend lives like 3h more then where I am I guess what im asking is how do I stop feeling like crap when I see them together I think when ever I try to hang with her he never shuts up about how hes better then me that hes with her and im not I wanna knock his teeth in im sick of him I cant hang with her any more cos shes always with him shes even starting to forget about me she said oh yeah come to the mall with us I was waiting to find out what time and she never texed me she said she forgot to tell me shes a really good friend I dont wanna lose her I dont care about going out with her so please tell me how I can be her friend again

Secondary Teacher Salary?

i thinking starting is �22K... but not too sure if thats only in London... also you need to do a PGCE course in UK to teach, unless you have done some recognised teaching course in the US..

Am i annoying my guy friend?

well, i hve a crush on this guy. I dont really get to talk to him until before homeroom. Every day, i go to his homeroom (cause most of my friends are in his homeroom) and talk. He is a quiet guy and usually i start a conversation with him (he started a conversation with me a couple of days ago). He has like a smile when he talks to me sometimes. Am i annoying??

Can a landlord give you one ten day notice before he takes you to court if your lease says 3 10 day notices?

long story short LL lives in brooklyn NY comes up to my apt in Scranton Pa every friday. I sent the money order out 2 weeks ago yesterday he says he never got it and gave me a 10 day notice and said if its not fixed he will go to court after the 10 days, well I sent the whole money order because I have never used money orders before usually pay the LL cash but i just moved here last month. and i thought i would get a receipt when he came down on fridays. now in my lease it says " that the violation of any of the covenants of this agreement or the nonpayment of any rent due and unpaid shall be sufficient cause for eviction from said premises upon three (10) days written notice thereof by registered mail or by personal services" now this means he should have to give me 2 more before he goes to court right? its not like im looking forward to this I want to find this mail somehow. im in the state of Pa city of scranton if you know the specifics of this city.

What is a good place to buy cute clothes?

american eagle has a very cute yellow cardigan, they usually have cute tights too, clic tanks are good at hollister and urban outfitters, i would say get skirts at target and Kohl's. the designer women's dpt. at Kohl's has very cute skirts, try to keep it younger looking though. you could definitely look at a thrift store for cheap unique finds. macy's has cute tights and skirts also. (: hope this helped

Do you think that Manchester Citys Mark Hughes Transfers where smart?

Yes i think he is buying well all premiership ready players. I agree with ER he needs some strong Defenders Lescott, maicon, even talk the owners want John Terry at any price so you never know but we will have to wait and see.

What are some fun horse activities?

i ride horses and teach 6 people how to ride on my horse thunder. after a while we all get bored and want to do somthing fun (all the peoplei teach are from like 9 to 16) .i want to know some fun learnin activites to do tht will also hlp them ride . id like some fast ones tht envolve runing ,balance, tust, and some tht are slower i hope yall know where im going with this. kinda like riding with a egg in a spoon oh yeah and jumping is also a must . water is also fun for horse and rider especiolly in texas they also need to learn anotomy sooo what r some fun games tht u have dun please answere

How do i know if my blaster needs a clutch,can i push the little clutch lever to shift instead of a cable?

hold your brakes tight, rev it up, put it in gear and dump the clutch. if it kills the engine instantly it is good. if it revs down and dies it is bad.

Effects of Caffeine and Aspirin on Runners?

4 vivarin is nuts! u should only take 1! i think the most common stack is aspirin,caffeine and ephedrine. id be careful with the ephedrine though.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Upper level stats problem?

I need to show that if X1, X2,...,Xn are independent Normal random variables, then the Chi-Square test statistic is a Chi-Square random variable with n-1 degrees of freedom. I'm not sure how to start this problem, any suggestions are appreciated.

I need to find wedge soles to attach a crochet sandal pattern ?

I am crocheting a vintage crochet sandal. I need a wedge sole to attach the pattern . Where can I find 1/2 to 1' wedge sole to attach this pattern?

What are major geographic locations?

I'm doing a map of Japan showing the "major geographic locations," but I don't even know what that means! Can someone give me an example of that?

Will the Houston Texans Make the Playoffs this year for the 1st time in Franchise History?

im a die hard fan since 2002 and ive been waitin for them to make the playoffs hopefully this year the texans make it.

What does it mean when a makes farting noises?

It means KIA is close. Check the closets and under the bed, but you may not even find her. By the time you realize she's there, she's already at the neighbor's house.

Abraham and Judaism HELP PLZ!!!!!?

There is not enough space in this Q & A format to answer both of your 'bullet points'. The call of Abram starts in Genesis chapter 12. The Covenant is recorded in chapter 15. It is self explanatory. As far as the actions that resulted from this Covenant, you would have to study History from that point in time until the present day. I have and the current status of the nation of Israel and the Arab nations are a direct result of the actions and reactions to this Covenant.

Do you like my poem.........?

I tried to figure this one out, but I can't really see where you were going with this. This isn't about a guy who gets off work and has with a prostitute is it? I guess in a way I can see how this guy still ends up depressed throughout to the end. Looking back, I think I do like it in a weird way. Hmmm, I'll have to think this one over a bit. Good effort though, because I think you might have something here.

I work at the same place I was working when I accepted Christ. I had nothing in the bank when I started?

tithe. 2 years later and about 400 per month. I have 700 in the bank. Same Job making less now than then and still broke but only the church has somewhere in the neigborhood of 8000 dollars. Hmmmm. care to share your tithe story?

Who decide to trade lynch from the broncos?

John Lynch was not traded by the Broncos... he was released upon his request. The Broncos weren't even using him that much anymore and they had just signed Marlon McCree to come in and replace him so he wanted out.

I've decided Iwant to tell my mother i want to get a change operation and everything?

but i can't work up the nerve to tell her yet any ideas on how to get her approval without getting hurt or in trouble?

In a pickle?

I am 2 deep at 1B and i can only have one util guy, so i have albert pujols and ryan howard at those spots but wat should I do with Carlos Delgado and Jim Thome I cant use them unless these two guys get injured should i trade them for pitching (which i really need!)

I think i can understand how 2012 might happen?

nah, chuck norris is gonna get cut by someone in line at walmart, and hes gonna roundhouse kick em' and it will be so powerful that it will end the world

Why are most teenage girls in the UK so promiscuous with no sense of self-respect?

First of all, I don't believe that that is just a problem in the UK. There are a lot of promiscuous people (not just girls) in the US too. Promiscuity has unfortuantely become more socially acceptable. It's now considered acceptable to have one night stands and friends with benefits (usually minus the friend part). It really shows the decreasing moral standards of our society.

I need a good poem about a grandfather and granddaughter...?

I am making a scrapbook of my 4 month old daughter, and i need a good poem to go along with the pictures of her and her grandpa...he's not an old grandpa, so anything containing the word old won't work. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Friends please help me?

Once you complete IIT, jobs will follow you. You do not have to worry about job now. Concentrate on studies. Improve your English grammar and composition first. Good Luck

Snickers or Hershey bars?

Which is better? Personally. I love snickers. I occasionally just want my solid hershey bar, but I love me some Snickers.

Can i glue a cover to my discs?

i have some custum dvd's and they i dont like the written labels. Can i print a picture, shape it like the disc and glue it on top of the disc or would that wreck it? The dvd's arent printable or lightscribe.

Andy samberg on snl digital short?

last night on ocotber 3, 2009, what is the song name of the song andy samberg performed on the snl digital short.

What name is prettier for a boy?

Ashley or Hailey? I want him to have a jock macho biker surfer dude type name. Does this fit the bill? And don't argue with me that these are girls name, they're absolutely horrid on a little girl. There's nothing feminine, girly or uni about them. I'm trapped in the 1800s, you should see my hair!

Obsession with my boyfriend......?

Is this your first boyfriend? How long have you been together? This should go away in about two weeks, then you'll wanna break up with him.

I was holidaying in Bangkok last two years, n there r these bunch of girls who admired me a lot.?

They came up to me while I was on the streeet and we chated. They said I m handsome n asked to kissed me so I gave me n kiss her back. One of them. Is this weird? Has anyone encountered his be4?

Negative OPK and HPT, what do you think?

chances of pregnancy are almost nil if both of the tests were negative (i expect you took test at reasonable time and not too early). there could be many other reasons why your periods are late, like stress, hormonal imbalance, anemia etc. you would need to check out with your doctor.

My messanger stopped working, will not allow me to sign on due to error message Internet is not working?

I have input my Yahoo ID, valid Pword but the messenger does not activate. I have downloader version 9 a second time but still cannot connect. I can access all other parts of Yahoo, and other internet web sites so I am pretty sure it is a messenger problem. Is there any one out there to help get messenger working again. Suggestions of things to check etc. Thanks Dennis newman.d@comcast.net.. dnewman350@Yahoo.com

If you were starving, would you eat an endangered species?

Say that no one else is around to see you and you're on the brink of death. There's an endangered animal sitting next to you. Would you eat it to live?

I need to know a couple good places in Parkersburg, WV for dinner!?

I have a date next week with a girl I never met and we been talking on YIM for a week or two and I finally asked her to dinner now I need some ideas of some good places in Parkersburg, WV see I seldom go to Parkersburg so therefore I don't know any good places except the restaurant called Ryan's. Any other recommended places?

How many times has justin timberlake hosted snl?

Justin Timberlake has hosted SNL 3 times. Once in 2003, another in 2006, and most recently, in 2009, although he has appeared randomly in many episodes that he wasn't hosting.

Cavities? or worse?

this may be kind of long so bear with me please... um like 2 years i bit into a rice crispie treat and broke a tiny peice of the backside of my tooth off.. not a bid deal you couldnt see it so i didnt worry about it...fast forward to last year...it started hurting bad to the point where i couldnt chew with that tooth and sometimes if i was brushing my teeth it would bleed alot and hurt if i hit it with the bristles of my toothbrush....now the same tooth on the other side hurts(its not broken) it doesnt hurt to chew with it but its really sensitive to cold... the other night i took my dog for a walk and it was cold out and just from breathing with my mouth open it hurt for like 30 minutes...or when i smoke i can feel it...i know i need to go to the dentist but i dont have insurance(or i would have gone a while ago) but im wondering are thse cavaties or something worse...they also hurt when i eat sweets. im so scared im gonna have to get my teeth pulled please help if you know anything

Sunday, November 6, 2011

What experiments in the field of "creationism science" can be performed at home?

The science is the same, the difference is in the interpretation of the evidence. It is certainly possible to look at the evidence and come up with a different conclusion to the Darwin evolutionary position. Indeed, many would see that the evidence fits perfectly well with a design position. Even Richard Dawkins in his anti-creation book The Blind Watchmaker admits “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” In other words its science vs science. You could even call them creation chemistry sets if you like!

Is it too early to test?

i ovulated on July 27th...did the bd all week...at that time i was having sore ..now i don't have any symptoms..when should I test? I it normal to not have ANY symptoms?

10 pt for best one...Can anyone suggest some good offline first person shooter games ?

I have 2GB ram,intel dual core 2.0 E7400,intel G33/G31 express chipset family (chip type : intel GMA 3100) and no physical graphics card.

What brand of concealer is best to cover up dark circles?

I love this concealer from Physicans Formula called Concealer 101 Creamy Duo. It has a yellow side to hide dark circles or redness under the eye. It also has a flesh tone to disguise the yellow. Its creamy, stays on all day and is available at Wal-Mart or any drug store! Great buy for under 8 dollars! Hope I helped!

How many more generations do whites have to be punished for slavery?

I'm tired of affirmative action and all this politically correct crap. Why can't we just get on with it ?

Do the colors on snowboard jumps have any significance?

Seems like smaller jumps are usually trimmed with green and larger ones are red or blue... im not sure if theres a color code that corresponds to the jumps difficulty, or if they are just trimmed with color so they are noticed.

Christians: Question Regarding One GOD vs. Trinity / Triune God?

The trinitarian God is one. Christianity is monotheism. While the church has always taught that essentially at the heart of it Trinity is mystery, the objection raised by "non-trinitarian Christians" (a misnomer if ever there was one) that because the finite creature man is bound to one person in one being, that God too must be bound to one person in one being is clearly anthropomorphism.

I am heartbroken.....?

I recently went through the same thing, but my boyfriend and I hadn't seen each other for 2 weeks. Call him, or find SOME way to talk to him. Write him a letter, whatever works. Letting your boyfriend know you miss him very much will make him want to come home that much sooner :)

What will happen if the refrigerator is turned on for a long time ?

Hi..my physics teacher taught me that if i open the refrigerator for a long time , it won't cool the room but nothing occurs because the heat is liberated through the copper fins , but i feel like I've read that the room temperature will increase if i did so.Which is right ?

Anyone like this version of 'Stand by me' with Bon Jovi, Sambora and friends?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RASKaZFZtS8&feature=player_embedded" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RASKaZFZt…/a

at 14? Yes or no?

I have been going out with a boy for almost a year now. He is like my best friend and he's junior.... I am freshamn. He hasn't asked for it yet and I haven't thought about it at all until one day we were at a party and we were all playing this game and I had to give him a hand job in front of everyone...... Now the idea of is ind of turnign me on. I woulnd't bve stupid about it, you know I would use pertection and all. What are your thoughts???

Why do falcons fans feel they already have the Super bowl won?

we dont, we're just excited our team is doing well, what are we supposed to do when we have a 9-2 record, pout?! ive never seen a true fan not get excited when their team plays good football

Would you like to read my athiest Christmas wish for my friends at Yahoo Answers?

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter holiday season, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith, ual orientation, or other preference or lifestyle choice of the wishee, not that certain orientations are choices, and might, in fact, be genetic in nature. I celebrate your DNA, and that of every person presently sustaining life, or no longer, including, of course, indigenous and aboriginal groups with their own, equally valid creation traditions and practices. That is not to say that other other non-hominid living beings are not important at this time of year and this includes particularly sensitive and often overlooked not-harvestable endangered taxonomic groups and island endemics.

Question about creating a LLC?

Hi! I have a invented a great fitness product that has been met with lots of approval, and I would like to take it to market. I have a few questions, and would really enjoy your help. First, how can i protect myself from lawsuits? I have heard of having an LLC, but am a little confused about this. I am fine with my business getting sued and going bankrupt, but I don't want to lose all of my savings as well. Thank you!

What type of transportation(could be horse, pig, cow, car,etc) rhymes with york?

I have a state brochure and I was wondering what some transportation rhymes with york (as in new york).

Can you trade The Wreckager in Fable 2?

Is the legendary weapon the Wreckager tradeable in Fable 2? I don't care too much for the Hal's armor Master Chief set, though the Covenant energy sword is neat a little bit. I don't have the simoleons to buy the LCE Fable 2 for the code and was hoping I could trade someone for the Wreckager if it is tradeable.

Does this mean McCain will have Mitt Romney be part of his administration, VP or otherwise?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXyQjyMDgRI&feature=related" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXyQjyMDg…/a

I have so much problems could anyone help me?

Paranoia, feeling worried or anxious, no motivation and living in the past are symptoms of both depression and boderline personality disorder. Maybe check the symptoms on both of them. Hope this helps!

Does he like me or is it just friends?

If he starts calling you babe, gorgeous in texts and msn it is a sign, if he then starts asking you if you are interested in anyone or brings himself up in conversations like that it means he is trying to see if you like him back. Just be yourself but not to clingy and it may work :)

How to get different fonts for free?

i was wondering how and where to go, if i want different and more fonts? The one I really want, preferably, is King Cool KC. Does anyone know where I can get this?

Are the particles theorized by supersymmetry string theory(superpartners) the dark matter WIMPs?

In super-string theory it states that there is a fourth symmetry of physics that is mathematically plausible. If the symmetry was upheld it would mean that each known particle would have a superpartner particle of 1/2 spin less, more mive and smaller than the known particle. The WIMPs are also hypothesized to be smaller but more mive than known particles, are the two describing the same particles or are they two completely different things?

Do you think its stupid that tna (more inside)?

That tna has said that they are going to move to mondays for 1 night to see how it goes and if it goes well theyll make it permenant that annoyd me because they either go to war or they dont they cant declare war realise it aint working and pull out when it suits them

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Math Help?????? POW!?

One day in math cl mia invented a problem for her cl to solve. SHe said, My mom and dad's ages are 3 years apart. I'm exactly 1/4 my mother age and Im 24 years younger than my dad. How old am i? Mia was surprised when her clmates came up with two different ages. WHat answers did her clmates find? Please show how you did it :)

Im looking for a forum hosting site that allows.....?

hi guys... i just made a forum in freeforums.org and it got deleted... i had about 450 members and 800 posts :( this is .... guys i need a website hosting site that will allow warez downloads.. movies online.. movies download.. abut hacking, adult stuff... i think phpbb will be nice.. but i dont like installing the forum... plz help if you know about such a forum hosting website

State your political party affiliation and where you receive most of the news.?

No affiliation, and where I get my news depends on the topic. US National politics, mostly C-Span. Local politics, cable access live channels. Current events AP or Reuters

What are your conspiracy theories?

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Rainwater harvesting amount per season??

I put in a 5000 gallon koi pond in my backyard 4 years ago. I just put in a rain collection system last year to help with supplying water for the pond and for watering trees and shrubs that i put in at the same time as the pond. My collector only holds 120 gallons. I have found that with a half inch of rain my system fills up from empty. I live in Atlanta GA and we are in a horrible drought but I have found that I would be able to water my trees and shrubs along with filling water to my pond. The cistern has worked for centuries and can continue to be a great et if managed properly.

What do you think to the new Undertaker DVD?

His other one was better the one relesed in 2005. In this one they missed out some of his most important matches not like I care about the undertaker anyway. Shawn Michaels is the true phenom

What are the draw backs of two probe experiment?

Mas que un psicologo, lo quenecesitas es poner muy en claro las cosas con tu ex, aqui lo conveniente no es que vayas tu con un psicologo, sino que vayan los dos con uno, que les aconseje que rumbo tomar, ojalay todo se arregle, mas por el biende las ni�as, estan empezando a vivir y hacerlo en una familia disfuncional es muydificil y muytriste, olvidense un poco de ustedes ypiensen en sus hijos., tdos los matrimonios tienen crisis,superenla y adelante!

AFL Music Question?

What's that song played in the Western front (Afl tv show) when they're showing the "W's"? I know it's got some lyrics like "Saw the signs" or something like that.

Draw the electron dot formula for ozone, O3. How many pairs of nonbonding electrons are in an ozone molecule?

It is c.6. I just had the same question on my exam and put 2 because that's what I read on here....the answer was 6.

I am getting Brinks Home Security soon. Any good?

I am getting BRINKS installed tomorrow for a one time fee of $100. The total monthly fee is $29.00. I am getting two motion detectors, three door contacts, and keypad. It's a pretty good deal. Who has it, what are some details? Can you guys give me any information if I am getting a good deal or not, and why. Thanks.

Name of street guitar player in Berlin, Germany (17th July 2010)?

Lots of luck.. finding a busker in Germany is like finding a certain dolphin in the ocean. That's not a bad spot he picked out.. When I was busking in Berlin years ago, I set up in front of the KAISER WILHELM CATHEDRAL.. and that was back when the place was falling down.. before they started stabilizing it and restoring it... It's a great spot because all the tourists come from the Hauptbannoff to the bit shopping mall and then on down to the Cathedral.

Talent show in two days need song help!!!!?

i just got through to the finale of my schools talent show its in two days and i need a new song by tonight. i sang your song by elton john for the semi finale. it was perfect for my voice. my friends tell me i need a more upbeat one tho ne suggestions and one that would be quick to learn on guitar or piano would be perfect

Are girls or guys harsher when it comes to judging a persons looks?

I think girls are way harsher. 1st of all if a girl sees a picture of a pretty girl chances are she will be Catty and say something snippy to her to make her feel ugly. Girls are very jealous. Also if that isn't the case girls can see the tiniest flaw in anyone!! Guys I know most just look at the rack and and that is how they judge. But I think they also do look at the whole package. I think guys are easier to please

Are Corn Rows not the most disguisting thing on the planet?

I hate them. They look so nasty in my opinion. And the worst thing is, is seeing a white person with Corn Rows. OMG they looks so stupid! And then my cousin is like infatuated with this dude who thinks he's black. And thinks that he looked, "Oh so cute." He looked terrible with the Corn Rows and now that the kid cut his hair, he actually looks halfway decent and my cousin thinks it looks terrible! Like what the heck? LOL